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A general term for a mass-movement landform and a process characterized by a flowing mass of predominantly fine-grained earth material possessing a high degree of fluidity during movement. The degree of fluidity is revealed by the observed rate of movement or by the distribution and morphology of the resulting deposit. Mudflows are intermediate members of a gradational series of processes characterized by varying proportions of water, clay, and rock debris. The water content of mudflows may range up to 60%. The degree of water bonding, determined by the clay content and mineralogy, critically affects the viscosity of the matrix and the velocity and morphology of the flow. With increasing fluidity, mudflows grade into loaded and clear streams; with a decrease in fluidity, they grade into earthflows. Also spelled: mud flow. (Neuendorf, K.K.E. and others, 2011)

  • DGGS online catalog of government agency publications relating to: Mudflow
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