USGS OF 67-64
Subsurface stratigraphic, structural and economic geology, northern Alaska -- Exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 and adjacent areas, northern Alaska, 1944-53
Collins, F.R., and Robinson, F.M.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
USGS Publications Warehouse
Barrow; Chandler Lake; Harrison Bay; Howard Pass; Ikpikpuk River; Killik River; Lookout Ridge; Meade River; Misheguk Mountain; Teshekpuk; Umiat; Utukok River; Wainwright
OF 287
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
Collins, F.R., and Robinson, F.M., 1967, Subsurface stratigraphic, structural and economic geology, northern Alaska -- Exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 and adjacent areas, northern Alaska, 1944-53: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 67-64, 252 p., 12 sheets.
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate 1, East-west cross section A-A' showing the stratigraphy of the Nanushuk group and the upper part of the Topagoruk formation (188.0 K)
- Plate 2, Comparison of the subsurface stratigraphy in the Grandstand and Umiat areas (67.0 K)
- Plate 3, North-south cross section G-G', showing subsurface correlations and regional structure in naval petroleum reserve No. 4 (522.0 K)
- Plate 4, Northeast-southwest cross section H-H', showing subsurface correlations and regional structure in naval petroleum reserve No. 4 (95.0 K)
- Plate 6, North-south cross section J-J' of the Gubik anticline (106.0 K)
- Plate 8, North-south cross section N-N' west Simpson area (102.0 K)
- Plate 9, North-south cross section M-M' showing structural and stratigraphic features of the Simpson seeps area (54.0 K)
- Plate 10, East-west cross section L-L' in the vicinity of Simpson seep (97.0 K)
- Plate 11, North-south cross section P-P' of the Umiat anticline (63.0 K)
- Plate 14, Electric log, lithologic and paleontologic correlation of Oumalik test well 1, with east Oumalik test well 1 (80.0 K)
- Figure 2, Chart giving locations, formation tops, and other pertinent data on the test wells and core tests of northern Alaska (174.0 K)
- Figure 3, Stratigraphic chart giving a brief description of all formations found in the subsurface of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 and their European stage equivalents (95.0 K)
Bedrock; Generalized; Geology; Related ASTAR Reference; Structure Contours
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