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DGGS RI 2009-1 v. 2

Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the middle Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation in outcrop, central North Slope, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

LePain, D.L., McCarthy, P.J., and Kirkham, R.A., 2009, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the middle Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation in outcrop, central North Slope, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2009-1 v. 2, 76 p., 1 sheet. https://doi.org/10.14509/19761

Publication Products


Alaska, State of; Albian; Aptian; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Brookian; Chandler River; Cretaceous; Geology; Nanushuk Formation; Ninuluk Bluff; North Slope; Oil and Gas Basin; Related ASTAR Reference; Sagavanirktok River; Sedimentology; Stratigraphy; geoscientificInformation

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