USGS Brooks, A.H. and others, 1901
Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay Regions, Alaska, in 1900
Brooks, A.H., Richardson, G.B., Collier, A.J., and Mendenhall, W.C.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
This publication is out of print. Reproductions may be available.
USGS Publications Warehouse
Bendeleben; Kotzebue; Nome; Norton Bay; Shishmaref; Solomon; Teller
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
Brooks, A.H., Richardson, G.B., Collier, A.J., and Mendenhall, W.C., 1901, Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay Regions, Alaska, in 1900: U.S. Geological Survey, 222 p., 9 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate I, Outline map of Seward Peninsula and adjacent region, Alaska (9.6 M)
- Plate III, Geological reconnaissance map and sections of Seward Peninsula Alaska (797.0 K)
- Plate XI, Sketch map of the Kugruk mining region (8.0 M)
- Plate XIII, Sketch map of the York region (2.8 M)
- Plate XIV, Economic geological map of Seward Peninsula Alaska (9.8 M)
- Plate XVII, Topographic map of Nome region Alaska (2.7 M)
- Plate XVIII, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, scale 1:250,000 (19.0 M)
- Plate XX, Reconnaissance map of Norton Bay region, Alaska (15.0 M)
- Plate XII, Geological reconnaissance map and sections of Norton Bay region, Alaska (15.0 M)
Bedrock; Gold; Mining; Mining Methods; Nome; Seward Peninsula; Structural Geology; Surficial Geology
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