USBM OFR 36-87
Final report of stream sediment, float, and bedrock sampling in the Porcupine mining area, southeast Alaska, 1983-1985
Still, J.C., Gilbert, W.G., and Forbes, R.B.
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U.S. Bureau of Mines
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Still, J.C., Gilbert, W.G., and Forbes, R.B., 1987, Final report of stream sediment, float, and bedrock sampling in the Porcupine mining area, southeast Alaska, 1983-1985: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 36-87, 35 p., 8 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
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- Figure 3, Porcupine mining area showing rock, rubblecrop, and float sample localities, and lode mines, prospects, and deposits, scale 1:63,360 (4.2 M)
- Figure 4, Porcupine mining area showing stream sediment, pan concentrate, and soil sample localities, and drainage outlines, scale 1:63,360 (4.0 M)
- Figure 5, Porcupine mining area showing rock and rubblecrop sample localities with anomalous gold and/or silver values, scale 1:63,360 (3.7 M)
- Figure 6, Porcupine mining area showing rock and rubblecrop sample localities with anomalous values: Zinc, copper, lead, cobalt, and barium, scale 1:63,360 (4.1 M)
- Figure 7, Porcupine mining area showing rock and rubblecrop sample localities with anomalous values: Tungsten, molybdenum, tin, arsenic, nickel, bismuth, and antimony, scale 1:63,360 (4.1 M)
- Figure 8, Porcupine mining area showing float rock sample localities with anomalous values: Gold, silver, zinc, copper, lead, cobalt, barium, tungsten, molybdenum, tin, arsenic nickel, bismuth, and antimony, scale 1:63,360 (4.1 M)
- Figure 9, Porcupine mining area showing stream sediment, pan concentrate, soil sample localities with anomalous gold and/or silver values, scale 1:63,360 (4.4 M)
- Figure 10, Porcupine mining area showing stream sediment, pan concentrate, and soil sample localities with anomalous values: Zinc, copper, lead, cobalt, barium, tungsten, molybdenum, tin, arsenic, nickel, bismuth, and antimony, scale 1:63,360 (4.7 M)
Bedrock; Porcupine; Southeast Alaska; Stream Flow; Stream Sediments
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