USGS SIR 2007-5047
Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium
Piatt, J.F., and Gende, S.M., eds.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
The list of articles below is incomplete. The titles shown are cited in DGGS products. Maps are included in the text report.
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USGS Publications Warehouse
Juneau; Mount Fairweather; Skagway
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Bibliographic Reference
Piatt, J.F., and Gende, S.M., eds., 2007, Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5047, 246 p.
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Chapter information:
Harney, Jodi, Cochrane, Guy, Etherington, Lisa, Dartnell, Pete, and Chezar, Hank, 2007, Geologic characteristics of benthic habitats in Glacier Bay, Alaska, derived from geophysical data, videography, and sediment sampling, p. 37-42.
Finnegan, D.C., Lawson, D.E., and Kopczynski, S.E., 2007, Assessing contemporary and Holocene glacial and glacial-marine environments, p. 42-45.
Lawson, D.E., Finnegan, D.C., Kopczynski, S.E., and Bigl, S.R., 2007, Early to mid-Holocene glacier fluctuations in Glacier Bay, Alaska, p. 54-56.
Motyka, R.J., Larsen, C.F., Freymueller, J.T., and Echelmeyer, K.A., 2007, Post Little Ice Age rebound in the Glacier Bay region, p. 57-59.
Cokelet, E.D., Jenkins, A.J., and Etherington, L.L., 2007, A transect of Glacier Bay ocean currents measured by acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP), p. 80-83.
Wieczorek, G.F., Geist, E.L., Jakob, Matthias, Zirnheld, S.L., Boyce, Ellie, Motyka, R.J., and Burns, Patricia, 2007, Landslide-induced wave hazard assessment -- Tidal Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, p. 165-167.
Glacial; Glacier Bay; Hazards
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