State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / PublicationsPubs / PIR 2002-2PIR 2002-2

DGGS PIR 2002-2

Geologic map of the Dalton Highway (Atigun Gorge to Slope Mountain) area, southern Arctic Foothills, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Harris, E.E., Mull, C.G., Reifenstuhl, R.R., and Montayne, Simone, 2002, Geologic map of the Dalton Highway (Atigun Gorge to Slope Mountain) area, southern Arctic Foothills, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2002-2, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2867

Publication Products


Alaska, State of; Albian; Allochthon; Alluvial; Aptian; Arenite; Atigun Gorge; Atigun River; Atigun Syncline; Barite; Barremian; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Biostratigraphy; Blankenship Member; Brooks Range; Buchia Limestone Coquina; Carbonates; Cenomanian; Chert; Clastics; Coal; Cobblestone Member; Cobblestone Parautochthonous Sequence; Colluvium; Colville Basin; Conglomerate; Cretaceous; Dalton Highway; Depositional Environment; Devonian; Endicott Mountain Allochthon; Endicott Mountains; Energy Section Maps of Interest; Eolian; Fan; Fluvial; Folding; Fortress Mountain Formation; Fossils; Galbraith Lake; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Generalized; Geologic Map; Geology; Glacial; Glacial Drift; Glacial Lake; Glaciation; Grainstone; Graywacke; Holocene; Ice-Contact; Igneous; Imnaitchiak Chert; Imnavait Mountain; Ipnavik River Allochthon; Itigaknit Mountain; Itkillik Glaciation; Itkillik River; Jurassic; Kanayut Conglomerate; Kayak Shale; Kettles; Kuparuk River; Lacustrine; Limestone; Lisburne Group; Marmot Syncline; Measured Stratigraphic Section; Mississippian; Mudstone; Nanushuk Formation; Okpikruak Formation; Organic Chemistry; Orogeny; Otuk Formation; Outwash; Packstone; Paleocurrent; Paleontology; Pennsylvanian; Permian; Petroleum; Picnic Creek Allochthon; Pleistocene; Porosity; Provenance; Quaternary; Reference Information; Related ASTAR Reference; Reservoir; Rock-Glacier Deposits; STATEMAP Project; Sagavanirktok River; Sagavanirktok River Glaciation; Sandstone; Shale; Siderite; Siksikpuk Formation; Slope Mountain; Stratigraphy; Structure; Stuver Member; Surficial; Tectonics; Terrace; Thrust Fault; Toolik Lake; Toolik River; Torok Formation; Trans-Alaska Pipeline; Triassic; Turbidites; Unnamed Phosphatic-Manganiferous Shale; Valanginian; Wackestone; geoscientificInformation

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