DGGS RI 2014-3
Tsunami inundation maps of the villages of Chenega Bay and northern Sawmill Bay, Alaska
Bibliographic Reference
Nicolsky, D.J., Suleimani, E.N., and Koehler, R.D., 2014, Tsunami inundation maps of the villages of Chenega Bay and northern Sawmill Bay, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2014-3, 50 p., 7 sheets, scale 1:3,500. https://doi.org/10.14509/29126
Publication Products
Report Information
Chapter information:
RI 2014-3A
Nicolsky, D.J., Suleimani, E.N., and Koehler, R.D., 2017, Potential maximum permanent flooding maps for Chenega, Alaska, 1 sheet, 1:3,500.
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Sheet 1, Modeled potential maximum inundation by tectonic waves for two groups of scenarios (scenarios 1–5 and scenarios 6–9), as well as the worstcase, scenario 10, scale 1:3,500 (5.7 M)
- Sheet 2, Maximum composite potential inundation resulting from all scenarios near the community of Chenega Bay and the maximum composite flow depths over dry land, scale 1:3,500 (1.5 M)
- Sheet 3, Maximum composite potential inundation for all scenarios in the western part of Sawmill Bay near the Armin F. Koernig hatchery, and the maximum composite flow depths over dry land., scale 1:3,500 (2.9 M)
- Sheet 4, Maximum composite potential inundation resulting from all scenarios in the southern part of Iktua Bay, and the maximum composite flow depths over dry land, scale 1:3,500 (2.1 M)
- Sheet 5, Maximum composite potential inundation computed for scenarios 1-5 near the community of Chenega Bay, and the maximum composite flow depths over dry land, scale 1:3,500 (1.7 M)
- Sheet 6, Maximum composite potential inundation for scenarios 1-5 in the western part of Sawmill Bay near the Armin F. Koernig hatchery, and the maximum composite flow depths over dry land., scale 1:3,500 (3.4 M)
- Sheet 7, Maximum composite potential inundation computed for scenarios 1-5 in the southern part of Iktua Bay, and the maximum composite flow depths over dry land., scale 1:3,500 (2.1 M)
Geospatial & Analytical Data
Alaska Earthquake 1964; Chenega Bay; Coastal; Coastal and River; Earthquake; Emergency Preparedness; Engineering; Engineering Geology; Fault Displacement; Flood; Geologic Hazards; geoscientificInformation; Hazards; Holocene; Inundation; Modeling; Sawmill Bay; Seismic Hazards; Southcentral Alaska; Tsunami
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