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Surficial geology and geohazards in the Alaska Highway corridor, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Reger, R.D., Hubbard, T.D., and Koehler, R.D., 2021, Surficial geology and geohazards in the Alaska Highway corridor, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 124, 149 p., 18 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/29701

Publication Products


Active Fault; Aerial; Aerial Geology; Aerial Photography; Alaska Range; Alluvial; Alluvial Deposits; Arrow Creek; Bear Creek; Bedrock Geology; Berry Creek; Cathedral Rapids; Chief Creek; Chisana Mining District; Chisana River; Cockscomb Creek; Colluvial Deposits; Colluvium; Debris Flow; Debris Flow Deposit; Delta Junction; Delta River; Delta River Mining District; Deltaic Facies; Dry Creek; Engineering; Engineering Geologic Map; Engineering Geology; Environmental; Eolian; Esker; Faulting; Faults; Flood; Floodplain; Floodplain Alluvium; Fluvial; Fortymile Mining District; Gardiner Creek; Gelifluction; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; geoscientificInformation; Gerstle River; GIS; Glacial; Glacial Deposits; Goodpaster Mining District; Granite Creek; Granite Mountain; Gravel; Hajdukovich Creek; Holocene; Johnson River; Lacustrine; Lacustrine Sedimentation; Lake George; Landslide Deposit; Late Pliocene; Liquefaction; Loess; Long Lake; Macomb Plateau; Midway Lake; Moon Lake; Moraines; Northway; Outwash; Outwash Fan; Paludal; Permafrost; Pingos; Pleistocene; Radiocarbon Ages; Radiocarbon Dating; Robertson River; Rock Glaciers; Sand; Sand and Gravel; Sawmill Creek; Sheep Creek; Slope; Stuver Creek; Surficial; Surficial Geologic Map; Surficial Geology; Talus; Tanana River; Tertiary; Tetlin Junction; Thaw Lakes; Thawing Permafrost; Thermokarst; Tok; Tok Mining District; Tok River; Tower Bluffs; Unconsolidated Deposits; Undifferentiated Bedrock; Yukon-Tanana Upland

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