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DGGS PIR 2017-3

PIR 2017-3 thumbnail

Geologic map of the Tok River area, Tanacross A-5 and A-6 quadrangles, eastern Alaska Range, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Sicard, K.R., Naibert, T.J., Hubbard, T.D., Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Werdon, M.B., Willingham, A.L., Gillis, R.J., Lande, L.L., and Newberry, R.J., 2017, Geologic map of the Tok River area, Tanacross A-5 and A-6 quadrangles, eastern Alaska Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2017-3, 15 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/29722

Publication Products


Alluvium; Amphibolite; Arenite; Basalt; Bedrock; Bedrock Geologic Map; Bedrock Geology; Birch Creek Schist; Burnt Creek; Burnt Lake; Cathedral Rapids Fault; Chistochina Mining District; Clearwater Camp; Clearwater Creek; Colluvium; Conglomerate; Delta Mineral Belt; Devonian; DGGS; Diorite; Dolomite; Dry Tok Creek; Eagle Trail Wayside; Early Cretaceous; Engineering; Floodplain; Gelifluction; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Geologic; Geologic Map; Geologic Materials; Geological Process; Geology; Geomorphology; geoscientificInformation; Glacial; Gneiss; Granodiorite; Graphite; Gravel; Greenschist; Greenstone; Hayes Glacier Belt; Hona Pluton; Hornblende; Igneous; Interpretation; Kalutna River; Landslide; Late Cretaceous; Late Jurassic; Little Tok River; Log Cabin Creek; Lost Creek; Macomb Subterrane; Marble; Mentasta Lake; Metals; Metamorphic; Metamorphism; Mineral Deposit; Mineral Localities; Mineral Prospect; Mineral Resources; Minerals; Mining; Mining Claims; Mississippian; Mudstone; Natohona Creek; Orthogneiss; Outwash; Permafrost; Plutons; Porphyry; Quartzite; Quaternary; Rhyodacite; Rock Units; Rocks; Sand; Sandstone; Schist; Shindata Creek; Sikonsina Pass; Siltstone; Skarn; Solifluction; STATEMAP Project; Station Creek; Stibnite Creek; Sulfides; Surface; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Talus; Tanacross; Tertiary; Thermokarst; Timber Creek; Tok; Tok Mining District; Tok River; Tok River Unit; Trail Creek; Triassic; Uplift; White Creek

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