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DGGS GPR 2020-11

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Stikine electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation

Bibliographic Reference

Burns, L.E., Graham, G.R.C., Barefoot, J.D., and WGM Mining and Geological Consultants, Inc., 2020, Stikine electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2020-11, 15 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30457

Publication Products


Aaron Creek; Aeromagnetic; Aeromagnetic Data; Aeromagnetic Map; Aeromagnetic Survey; Airborne Geophysical Survey; Alice Peak; Analytic Signal; Apparent Resistivity Data; Apparent Resistivity Map; Apparent Resistivity Survey; Baht Harbor; Bains Cove; Barrie Lake; Battery Islets; Beecher Pass; Berg Creek; Berg Mountain; Big Castle Island; Big Creek; Big John Creek; Big Saltery Island; Blowdown Island; Bohemian Range; Burnett Lake; Burnt Island; Butterworth Island; Castle Islands; Castle River; Cathedral Falls Creek; Christmas Island; Cloverleaf Island; Colorado Creek; Conductivity Survey; Deadman Island; Dry Cove; Duncan Canal; Duncan Creek; Electromagnetic Data; Electromagnetic Survey; Emily Island; Exploration; Fair Island; First Vertical Derivative; Frederick Sound; Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Data; Fritter Cove; Geologic; Geology; Geophysical Map; Geophysical Survey; Geophysics; Geophysics Search Tag; geoscientificInformation; Glacier Creek; Gridded Data; Grief Island; Hamilton Creek; Harbor Island; Harrys Lake; Harvey Lake; High Castle Island; Independence Island; Irish Creek; Jewell Island; Kah Sheets Creek; Kah Sheets Island; Kah Sheets Lake; Keating Range; Keene Channel; Keene Island; Keku Creek; Kupreanof Island; Kushneahin Creek; Kushneahin Lake; Lava Creek; Line Data; Little Baht Harbor; Little Saltery Island; Lovelace Creek; Lung Island; Magnetic Data; Magnetic Survey; Magnetics; Marsha Peak; Middle Creek; Mosman Island; Moss Island; Mount Waters; Navy Lake; Nelson Glacier; Pearl Island; Porcupine Creek; Porterfield Creek; Quiet Harbor; Remote Sensing; Resistivity; Resistivity Survey; Rookery Island; Roosevelt Harbor; Saint John Harbor; Salmon Creek; Southerly Island; Spirit Creek; Taylor Creek; Towers Lake; Tunehean Creek; Whiskey Pass; Woewodski Island; Woodpecker Cove; Wrangell Narrows; Zarembo Island

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