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Map and database of exploration drilling targets categorized by play type, North Slope and offshore Arctic Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Gregersen, Laura, and Brown, Garrett, 2021, Map and database of exploration drilling targets categorized by play type, North Slope and offshore Arctic Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 167, 15 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:725,000. https://doi.org/10.14509/30579

Publication Products


Alapah Limestone; Albian; Arctic Alaska; Arctic Ocean; Atigaru Point; Ayiyak Member; Barrow Sandstone; Barrow Trail Member; Bearpaw Creek; Beaufort Sea; Brookian; Brookian Sequence; Canning River; Carbonates; Chandler Formation; Chandler River; Chukchi Sea; Clastics; Coalbed Methane; Colville River; Cretaceous; Devonian; Drilling; Echooka Formation; Endicott Group; Energy; Exploration; Exploration Well; Fawn Creek; Flaxman Formation; Fortress Mountain Formation; Gas; Gas Hydrates; Geologic; Geology; geoscientificInformation; Grandstand Formation; Gubic Gas Field; Harrison Bay; Heald Point; Hue Shale; Hydrocarbon; Ikpikpuk River; Imikpuk Lake; Interpretation; Itkillik River; Ivishak Formation; Ivishak River; Jeanette Island; Jurassic; Kachemach River; Kalubik Creek; Kalubik Formation; Kavik Shale; Kekiktuk Conglomerate; Kemik Creek; Kemik Sandstone; Key Creek; Kingak Shale; Kogosukruk Member; Kuna Formation; Kuparuk River; Kutchik River; Kuyanak Bay; Limestone; Lisburne Group; Marine Sedimentation; Mayoeak River; McClure Islands; Methane; Mikkelsen Bay; Miluveach River; Miocene; Mississippian; Nanuk Lake; Nanushuk Formation; Nanushuk River; Ninuluk Formation; North Slope; North Slope Basin; NPRA; Oil and Gas; Oil and Gas Basin; Oil Basins; Oil Development; Oligocene; Otuk Creek; Paleocene; Pebble Shale; Permian; Petroleum; Pingok Island; Pitt Point; Point Gordon; Point Mcintyre; Point Storkersen; Prince Creek Formation; Prudhoe Bay; Put River; Putuligayuk River; Red Dog Mine; Reference Information; Regional; Related ASTAR Reference; Reservoir; Reservoir Evaluation; Resource Assessment; Resource Information; Resources; Rocks; Sadlerochit Group; Sag River Sandstone; Sagavanirktok Formation; Sagavanirktok River; Sakonowyak River; Sandstone; Schrader Bluff Formation; Seabee Creek; Seabee Formation; Sentinel Hill Member; Shale; Shaviovik River; Shelf; Shirukak Lake; Shoreface; Shublik Formation; Sinclair Lake; Slope; Smith Bay; Smith River; Spy Islands; Staines River; Tapkaurak Lagoon; Tertiary; Teshekpuk Lake; Thetis Island; Thompson Sandstone; Tigvariak Island; Toolik River; Torok Formation; Triassic; Tuktu Formation; Tulageak Point; Tuluvak Formation; Turbidites; Ublutuoch River; Ugnuravik River; Umiat Lake; Unga Formation; Wahoo Limestone; Wainwright; Wainwright Inlet; Walapka Sandstone; Wolf Creek

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