Wypych, Alicja, Gavel, M.M., Naibert, T.J., Avirett, D.F., Barrera, M.L., Hubbard, A.K., Newberry, R.J., Regan, S.P., Twelker, Evan, Wildland, A.D., and Wyatt, W.C., 2022, Geochemical data from samples collected in 2020 and 2021 for the Western Tanacross project, Tanacross Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2022-5, 3 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30844
Analyses; Analyses and Sampling; Analytical Lab Results; Analytical Results; Arsenic; Balls Pass; Base Metals; Billy Creek; Cedar Creek; Chemistry; Chicken; Chicken Creek; Clearwater Creek; Copper; Copper Creek; Critical Minerals; Dennison Fork; DGGS; Economic Geology; Exploration; Fish Lake; Four Mile Lake; Geochemical Data; Geochemical Surveys; Geochemistry; Geologic; Geology; George Creek; geoscientificInformation; Glaman Lake; Gold; Gold Creek; Gold Prospect; Granite; Intrusion-hosted; Iron Creek; Kechumstuk; Kechumstuk Creek; Kechumstuk Mountain; Lab Methods; Ladue River; Lake Mansfield; Lost Chicken Creek; Lost Chicken Hill; Major Oxides; Mansfield Creek; Metals; Methods; Mineral Assessment; Mineral Deposit; Mineral Localities; Mineral Prospect; Mineral Resources; Minerals; Mining; Minor Oxides; Molly Creek; Mosquito Creek; Mosquito Fork; Mount Neuberger; Myers Fork; Non-Metals; Ore Deposit; Ores; Placer; Placer Gold; Platinum; Platinum Gold; Platinum Group Elements; Porcupine Creek; Precious Metals; Prospecting Sites; Rare Earth Elements; Resource Assessment; Resource Information; Resources; Robertson River; Round Lake; Sample Location; Sand Creek; Shindata Creek; Silver; Sixtymile Butte; Square Lake; Stibnite Creek; T Lake; Tanana River; Tin; Tok River; Trace Elements; Trace Geochemical; Trace Metals; Wolf Creek; Wolf Lake; Yerrick Creek