Nicolazzo, J.A., and Larsen, M.C., 2025, Mass movement potential at Blackerby land parcel, Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2024-7, 17 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000.
Alluvial Deposits; Alluvial Fan; Alluvium; Colluvial Deposits; Colluvium; DGGS; Diamictons; Engineering; Engineering Geology; Fan; Geologic; Geologic Hazards; Geological Process; Geology; Geomorphology; Geotechnical; Glacial Deposits; Gravel; Holocene; Juneau; Landslide; Landslide Deposit; Landslide Susceptibility; Lemon Creek; Pleistocene; Rockfall; Salmon Creek; Schist; Southeast Alaska; Surface; Surface Water; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Talus; Vanderbilt Hill