Alaska is surrounded by approximately 44,000 miles of coastline (including bays and fjords) and is covered by about 86,000 square miles of water. Alaska's dynamic riverine and coastal environments are vulnerable to geologic hazards because they can change rapidly in response to natural forces and human activities. Coastal and river hazards can result from storm and tidal surges, tsunamis, ice jams, ice impacts and unusually fast thaws in high snow years. Resulting impacts include flooding, erosion and damage to infrastructure.
Below is a list of publications related to Coastal and River Hazards. Select a publication number to access more detailed information and their respective files available for download.
- RI 2014-1B
- Suleimani, E.N., Nicolsky, D.J., and Salisbury, J.B., 2022, Updated tsunami inundation maps for Cordova, Alaska, in Nicolsky, D.J., Suleimani, E.N., and Koehler, R.D., Tsunami inundation maps of Cordova and Tatitlek, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2014-1B, 26 p., 6 sheets.
- IC 72
- Overbeck, J.R., ed., 2018, Alaska coastal mapping gaps & priorities: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 72, 34 p.
- RI 2016-8
- Nicolsky, D.J., Suleimani, E.N., and Koehler, R.D., 2016, Tsunami inundation maps for the communities of Chignik and Chignik Lagoon, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2016-8, 48 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:12,500.
- RI 2016-7
- Nicolsky, D.J., Suleimani, E.N., and Koehler, R.D., 2016, Tsunami inundation map for the village of Nikolski, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2016-7, 34 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:12,500.
- RI 2016-1
- Suleimani, E.N., Nicolsky, D.J., Koehler, R.D., Freymueller, J.T., and Macpherson, A.E., 2016, Tsunami inundation maps for King Cove and Cold Bay communities, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2016-1, 73 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:12,500.
- PIR 2013-6
- Koehler, R.D., Reger, R.D., Sicard, K.R., and Spangler, E.R., 2013, Yukon River bridge landslide: Preliminary geologic and geotechnical evaluation: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2013-6, 69 p.
- RI 2012-2 v. 1.1
- Kinsman, N.E.M., and DeRaps, M.R., 2012, Coastal hazard field investigations in response to the November 2011 Bering Sea storm, Norton Sound, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2012-2 v. 1.1, 51 p., 1 sheet.
- MP 144
- Hickman, P.J., Suleimani, E.N., and Nicolsky, D.J., 2012, Digital elevation model of Sitka Harbor and the city of Sitka, Alaska: Procedures, data sources, and quality assessment: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 144, 38 p.
- DS 503
- Gibbs, A.E., and Richmond, B.M., 2010, Oblique aerial photography of the Arctic coast of Alaska, Cape Sabine to Milne Point, July 16-19, 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 503, 1 DVD.
- DS 436
- Gibbs, A.E., and Richmond, B.M., 2009, Oblique aerial photography of the Arctic coast of Alaska, Nulavik to Demarcation Point, August 7-10, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 436, 1 DVD.
- PIR 2008-3B
- Reger, R.D., and Solie, D.N., 2008, Engineering - geologic map, Alaska Highway corridor, Delta Junction to Dot Lake, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2008-3B, 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
- PIR 2008-3A
- Reger, R.D., Stevens, D.S.P., and Solie, D.N., 2008, Surficial-geologic map, Delta Junction to Dot Lake, Alaska Highway corridor: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2008-3A, 48 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
- OF 2008-1359
- Conaway, J.S., 2008, Bathymetric and hydraulic survey of the Matanuska River near Circle View Estates, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1359, 20 p.
- GB 8
- Reger, R.D., Sturmann, A.G., Berg, E.E., and Burns, P.A.C., 2007, A guide to the late Quaternary history of northern and western Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 8, 112 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
- PIR 2001-3D
- Pinney, D.S., 2001, Engineering - geologic map of the Eagle A-2 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2001-3D, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- RI 2000-1D
- Pinney, D.S., 2000, Reconnaissance engineering-geologic map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2000-1D, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- PDF 98-37D
- Pinney, D.S., 1998, Derivative engineering geologic map of the Tanana A-1 and A-2 quadrangles, central Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 98-37D, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- RI 97-14B
- Kline, J.T., and Pinney, D.S., 1997, Derivative map of the geologic materials and hazards in the eastern half McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 97-14B, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000.
- RI 97-15D
- Pinney, D.S., 1997, Derivative geologic materials map of the Tanana B-1 Quadrangle, central Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 97-15D, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- RI 97-15E
- Pinney, D.S., 1997, Derivative map of potential geologic hazards in the Tanana B-1 Quadrangle, central Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 97-15E, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- RI 96-7
- Mason, O.K., 1996, Geological and anthropological considerations in relocating Shishmaref, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 96-7, 18 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- RI 95-3
- Motyka, R.J., 1995, Photointerpretive surficial geology of areas surrounding Alatna and Allakaket, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 95-3, 8 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 500 feet.
- IC 38
- Nye, C.J., 1995, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 38, 2 sheets, scale 1:4,000,000.
- I 1182-H
- Barnes, P.W., Reimnitz, Erk, and Rollyson, B.P., 1992, Map showing Beaufort Sea coastal erosion and accretion between Flaxman Island and the Canadian border, northeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1182-H, 1 sheet, scale 1:82,000.
- PDF 90-27
- Rawlinson, S.E., 1990, Surficial geology and morphology of the Alaskan central Arctic Coastal Plain: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 90-27, 326 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
- I 1182-G
- Reimnitz, Erk, Graves, S.M., and Barnes, P.W., 1988, Beaufort Sea coastal erosion, sediment flux, shoreline evolution, and the erosional shelf profile: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1182-G, 22 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:82,000.
- RI 88-6
- Motyka, R.J., 1988, Preliminary results of water-quality investigations in the Mendenhall Peninsula and Auke Bay area, Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 88-6, 20 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:6,000.
- OF 86-334
- Carter, L.D., Ferrians, O.J., Jr., and Galloway, J.P., 1986, Engineering - geologic maps of northern Alaska coastal plain and foothills of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-334, 9 p., 2 sheets.
- PDF 85-14
- Motyka, R.J., 1985, Preliminary results of water quality investigations at Mendenhall Peninsula and Auke Bay area, Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 85-14, 30 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:6,000.
- PDF 85-42A
- Krause, K.J., 1985, Resource information - northwest Alaska area land-use plan, engineering geology: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 85-42A, 8 p., 25 sheets.
- OF 84-682
- Yeend, Warren, 1984, Engineering - geologic maps of northern Alaska, Utukok River Quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-682, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
- OF 83-279
- Yeend, Warren, 1983, Engineering - geologic maps of northern Alaska, Lookout Ridge Quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-279, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
- OF 83-294
- Williams, J.R., 1983, Engineering - geologic maps of northern Alaska, Meade River Quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-294, 29 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
- OF 83-457
- Williams, J.R., 1983, Engineering - geologic maps of northern Alaska, Wainwright Quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-457, 28 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
- GB 1
- Pewe, T.L., and Reger, R.D., 1983, Guidebook to Permafrost and Quaternary Geology along the Richardson and Glenn Highways between Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 1, 263 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
- P 1235
- Scott, K.M., 1982, Erosion and sedimentation in the Kenai River, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1235, 35 p.
- AOF 125
- Riehle, J.R., Emmel, K.S., and Bolm, J.G., 1981, Reconnaissance report on surficial geology of the coastal area from Tolstoi Point to Cape Nome, Norton Sound, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Open-File Report 125, 27 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
- OF 78-675
- Yehle, L.A., 1978, Reconnaissance engineering geology of the Petersburg area, southeastern Alaska, with emphasis on geologic hazards: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-675, 92 p., 2 sheets.
- OF 77-32
- Hopkins, D.M., 1977, Coastal processes and coastal erosional hazards to the Cape Krusenstern archaeological site: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-32, 15 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
- OF 77-272
- Yehle, L.A., 1977, Reconnaissance engineering geology of the Metlakatla area, Annette Island, Alaska, with emphasis on evaluation of earthquakes and other geologic hazards: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-272, 93 p., 4 sheets.
- OF 75-250
- Lemke, R.W., 1975, Reconnaissance engineering geology of the Ketchikan area, Alaska, with emphasis on evaluation of earthquake and other geologic hazards: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-250, 65 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- MF 489
- Yeend, Warren, comp., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of a prospective transportation route from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Canadian border, Part I, Beechey Point and Sagavanirktok quadrangles: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 489, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
- MF 494
- Yeend, Warren, comp., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of a prospective transportation route from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Canadian border, Part 2, Mt. Michelson Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 494, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
- MF 501
- Yeend, Warren, and Brosge, W.P., comps., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of a prospective transportation route from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Canadian border, Part III, Arctic Quadrangle (north half), Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 501, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
- MF 522
- Yeend, Warren, and Brosge, W.P., comps., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of a prospective transportation route from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Canadian border, Part IV, Arctic and Table Mtn. quadrangles: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 522, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
- OF 73-31
- Brice, James, 1973, Lateral erosion at proposed river crossing sites of the Alaskan pipeline: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 73-31, 39 p.
- OF 71-103
- Ferrians, O.J., Jr., 1971, Preliminary engineering geologic maps of the proposed trans-Alaska pipeline route, Philip Smith Mountains quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 71-103, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
- HA 455
- Post, Austin, and Mayo, L.R., 1971, Glacier dammed lakes and outburst floods in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas 455, 10 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
- P 542-G
- Plafker, George, Kachadoorian, Reuben, Eckel, E.B., and Mayo, L.R., 1969, Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964 on various communities: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 542-G, p. G1-G50, 2 sheets.
- HA 294
- Childers, J.M., and Meckel, J.P., 1967, Flood of August 1967 at Fairbanks, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas 294, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
- P 542-C
- Coulter, H.W., and Migliaccio, R.R., 1966, Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964 at Valdez, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 542-C, p. C1-C36, 3 sheets.