Icy Cape geophysics
Project Details
Project ID:
Icy Cape GP
Parent Project:
Geophysics Program
The Icy Cape airborne magnetic geophysical survey covers parts of Icy Cape, Alaska, which is located on the coast of the Gulf of Alaska near Icy Bay. Data were acquired by helicopter between August 20th and August 22nd, 2016, by Precision GeoSurveys Inc. The survey helicopter was equipped with a Scintrex cesium vapor CS-3 magnetometer, spectrometer, data acquisition system, magnetic compensation system, pilot guidance unit (PGU), and GPS navigation system. A Garmin VIRB XE video camera integrated with a GPS antenna was used to record the flight path video. In addition, two GEM GSM-19T magnetometer base stations with integrated GPS time synchronization were used to record diurnal magnetic variations. The survey area consists of four contiguous blocks covering an irregular area of 42.5 km by 19.1 km with 173 survey lines and 16 tie lines. The four blocks are centered 130 km northwest of Yakutat, Alaska, and cover a total of 520.8 square km. A total of 846.2 line-km were collected.
Project Date(s):
2016 - 2021
Primary Contact:
Fusso, Logan A.
DGGS section:
Mineral Resources
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Project Participants:
Abraham M. Emond
- GPR 2021-1
- Emond, A.M., Graham, G.R.C., Eden, Karsten, and Precision GeoServices Inc., 2021, Icy Cape airborne magnetic geophysical survey, southeast Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2021-1, 10 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/29742