West Susitna geologic mapping
Project Details
Project ID:
West Susitna
Parent Project:
Hydrology & Surficial Geology Section projects
Surficial and bedrock geologic mapping of the north-central Tyonek Quadrangle, south-central Alaska. The area of interest is along the eastern margin of the western Alaska Range at the junction of the Cook Inlet and Susitna hydrocarbon basins west of the Susitna and Yentna rivers. This project focuses on a proposed access corridor being pursued by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) to an area with potential mineral, oil, and gas resource exploration, forestry and timber harvesting, agricultural resources, alternative energy, and recreation interests for Alaskans. FY2023 STATEMAP grant no. G23AC00584-00.
Program objectives include:
1) Assess location, quality & quantity of construction materials
2) Identify unstable slopes and potentially active faults
3) Fill in a critical gap in bedrock geologic mapping between two prospective hydrocarbon basins.
Project Date(s):
2023 - present
Primary Contact:
Hubbard, Trent D.
DGGS section:
Hydrology and Surficial Geology
Project Participants:
Robert J. Gillis, Trent D. Hubbard, J. Barrett Salisbury, Sandra L. Walser, Angie V. Diaz, Louis G. Jovanovich, John D. Bernt
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There are no primary publications for the West Susitna geologic mapping project at this time.