Broxson Gulch (Amphitheater Mountains)
Project Details
Project ID:
Broxson Gulch
Parent Project:
Legacy DGGS projects
Geology of the Broxson Gulch Area, southcentral Alaska. A cooperative effort involving Geological Survey of Canada, M.A.N. Resources, Inc., and DGGS to better understand and disseminate knowledge about regional metallogeny and Triassic magmatism in Wrangellia. Also known as the Amphitheater Mountains Area. Initial paleontologic work for this study was started in April 2001. The fieldwork phase of the study was conducted July 6-16, 2001. The laboratory phase of the study began in October 2001 and continued through December 2001.
Project Date(s):
2000 - 2003
Primary Contact:
Burns, Laurel E.
DGGS section:
Mineral Resources
Project Participants:
- RI 2002-3
- Blodgett, R.B., 2002, Paleontological inventory of the Amphitheater Mountains, Mt. Hayes A-4 and A-5 quadrangles, southcentral Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2002-3, 11 p.