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Publications Search Help

General Hints


If part of the publication's title is known, enter those words in the title input box. The search engine will look for all of the words in the publication titles. All words entered here must exist in the title, in order for the publication to appear in the search results.


Include only one author's last name in the author input box. If you need to distinguish between two authors with the same last name, enter the author's name in the typical bibliographic format: Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial (Doe, J. M.).

Publication Year

The search engine will retrieve all publication years by default. Select one publication year or a range of publication years. The publication year represents the calendar year in which the publication was actually published, not the publication year that is part of the publication number. While the two fields will match for most publications, occasionally they are different.


The search engine will retrieve all quadrangles by default. The results can be narrowed by selecting one or more quadrangles, which will narrow the publications to ANY of the selected quadrangles. Hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while making quadrangle selections from the drop down list.


Multiple words are allowed in the keyword input box. However, please separate the keywords with spaces, not commas.

Both search options "all these words" and "any of these words" will search for keywords that partially include the keywords entered. For example, if you enter "Geology", the search results will include those publications associated with the keywords, "Economic Geology", "Glacial Geology", "Engineering Geology", etc. By selecting the search option "the exact phrase", the search results will be more specific, returning only those publications associated with the keyword that exactly matches the entered phrase or word.

The search results will be sorted by the associated keywords.

Publication Number

If part of the publication number or series is known, enter it into the publication number input box. If the search results are unsuccessful, try entering less information in this field (i.e. only the publication series abbreviation). View a listing of all DGGS publication series.

Digital Geospatial Data

DGGS offers free, downloadable geospatial data for most current publications. If desired, select the option to include only those publications that have online geospatial data in your search results.

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