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Marwan A. Wartes

Marwan A. Wartes

Chief, Energy Resources Section - Stratigraphy, basin analysis, tectonics, and petroleum geology

Education and/or Training

Ph.D. candidate (2000-2004), University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S. 1999, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Geology)
B.S. 1997, University of Alaska, Fairbanks (Geology)

Projects and/or Research Interests

As Chief of the Energy Resources Section, I provide administrative and technical leadership for the Division's various applied energy research programs around the state. I also lead the Brooks Range foothills and North Slope program, an ongoing multi-agency collaborative effort to acquire and publish high quality geologic data to improve our understanding of the regional petroleum system and entice new exploration investment in Alaska. Over the last decade, this has involved field programs across the central North Slope, focusing on stratigraphic and structural problems that bear on the hydrocarbon potential of the region. We also integrate these topical field studies with available subsurface data to better inform our bedrock geologic mapping. In addition, I participate in our Cook Inlet and Interior basins programs, offering expertise in sedimentary geology and tectonics.

My background is primarily in outcrop-based clastic sedimentology and stratigraphy. I have experience in a variety of depositional systems, ranging from lacustrine to fan-deltaic to deep water fan deposits. I've conducted fieldwork in a number of regions, most notably Permian nonmarine basins in northwestern China, the Cretaceous foreland basin in northern Alaska, and Jurassic-Cenozoic forearc strata in Alaska's Cook Inlet. My main research interests involve the application of sequence stratigraphy and provenance to regional tectonic problems and petroleum geology.

Professional Experience

2022-present, Chief, Energy Resources, State of Alaska, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK
2004-2022, Research Geologist, State of Alaska, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK
2002, Development Geologist (intern), BP Exploration, Anchorage, AK
2000, Field Geologist (intern) Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Houston, TX
1999, Exploration Geologist (intern), Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Houston, TX

Selected Professional Activities

2007-present, Affiliate Professor, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Department of Geoscience
2011-2016, Alaska representative in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists House of Delegates
2009-2011, Board of Directors, Alaska Geological Society
2003, Bailey Distinguished Research Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2000 & 2001, Lewis G. Weeks Research Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2002, H. Victor Church Award, Best Technical Presentation, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2002, Distinguished Graduate Student Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2002, Weeks Outstanding Research Paper Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2000, Student Research Award, Sigma XI-The Scientific Research Society
2000, John T. Dillon Award for outstanding tectonic work in Alaska, Geological Society of America
2000, John Teagle Award for Petroleum Geology, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
2000, Outstanding Research Award, Geological Society of America

2022, Session Chair, The Geological Evolution of Northern Alaska (GSA)
2017, Co-leader, Brookian topset core workshop-depositional setting and reservoir facies in the Nanushuk Formation (AAPG)
2016, Organizing committee member and oral session chair, Alaska Geological Society technical conference
2015, Session chair, Tectonics, sedimentation, and energy resource potential of the Northern Cordillera (GSA)
2014, Session chair, Forearc basin tectonics and sedimentation (GSA)
2012, Co-leader, Brooks Range fold and thrust belt workshop (Alaska Geological Society)
2011, Symposium chair, Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the North Slope, offshore Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas (AAPG)
2007, 2008, & 2010, Organized 2-day technical conferences on oil and gas geology of the North Slope, Cook Inlet, and Bristol Bay
2006, Symposium chair, The Brooks Range orogen: A symposium in honor of Gil Mull (AAPG)
2006, Joint theme session chair, Foreland basin systems: Archives of coupled structural and sedimentary processes (GSA/AAPG)

2019, 2018, & 2004-2008, Field trip leader, Structure, stratigraphy and petroleum geology of the Brooks Range and North Slope
2017, Field trip leader, Geology of northern Alaska--A transect along the Dalton Highway (AAPG)
2012, Co-leader, Mesozoic stratigraphy, structure and petroleum geology of Cook Inlet
2011, Contributing field trip leader, Sedimentology, reservoir quality and tectonics, Neogene, Cook Inlet (AAPG)

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations

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