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Ronnie P. Daanen

Ronnie P. Daanen

Cold-climate hydrology, permafrost, vadose zone physical/chemical/biological processes, slope stability, programming and modeling, drainage systems, groundwater resources, and water flow in snow

Education and/or Training

2004 - Ph.D., Water Resource Science; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
(Thesis title: Modeling Liquid Water Flow in Snow)
1997 - M.A., Agricultural Engineering; Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL.
(Thesis title: Water flow and heat transport under frost and thaw conditions at an arable field soil with snow cover near Sjökulla, Finland)
1994 - B.A., Environmental Engineering; Van Hall Instituut, Groningen, NL.
(Thesis title: Waste water treatment with Helofyte filters)
1991 - A.S., Horticultural Education; 't Vanck, Nijmegen, NL.

Projects and/or Research Interests

Renewable Energy Program
Arctic Strategic Transportation and Resources (ASTAR) project
Groundwater assessment for the State of Alaska
Affiliated with the Water and Environmental Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Websites about his work
Frozen Debris Lobe Research

Professional Experience

2013-present, Geologist IV, Geohydrologist, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Engineering. Projects: Groundwater assessment for the State of Alaska
2011-2013, Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Northern Engineering, Water and Environmental Resources Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Projects: Permafrost Modeling, Permafrost Observations, Thermal effects of Groundwater Manipulation, Terrestrial Lidar Observations of Frost Heave and Soil Motion
2009-2011, Research Associate, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Projects: Permafrost Modeling, Permafrost Observations, Thermal effects of Groundwater Manipulation, Terrestrial Lidar Observations of Frost Heave and Soil Motion
2005-2009, Post Doctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Projects: Non-sorted Circles Observations and Modeling, Permafrost Modeling
2004-2005, Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mining Geological Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Projects: Model Development for Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer in Arctic Soils
1997-2004, Research Assistant, Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Minnesota

Teaching and course development Departments of Biology and Wildlife, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography, Geology, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Teaching and course development Dept. of Geological Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Teaching and course development Dept. of Geology, University of Minnesota
University of Alaska Fairbanks - Academic Advising and Committee Member: Jocelyn Simpson, and others

Supervisor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Computer Programmer, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Expedition Leader, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Designer and Developer

Selected Professional Activities

Award: Rapid Debris Lobe movement, National Institute for Water Resources (NIWR) (2012-present)
Award: Frozen Debris Lobes in the Brooks Range, Alaska Climate Center (2012)
Consulting: freezeback of a monofill design, Jacobs Engineering (2011)
Award: Flow slides in the Brooks Range, EPSCoR Early-Career (2008)
Fellowships: consulting on individual waste-water treatment systems, Minnesota Rural Waste Water Cooperative (2001-2004)

Member, American Geophysical Union, (2005-present)
Member, US Permafrost Association (2006-present)
Member, International Permafrost Association (2009-present)

Reviewer, Plant and Soil (2012, present)
Reviewer, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (2010, present)
Reviewer, Environmental Research Letters (2010, present)
Reviewer, National Science Foundation proposals (2009-present)
Reviewer, Conferences on Permafrost (2008-present)

Banks Island, Prince Patrick Island and Ellef Ringness Island, in the Canadian Archipelago: to study patterned ground features and their relation to ground temperature and hydrology (2003-2006, and 2010)
Belyy Ostrov, Russia: to study vegetation in relation to ground temperatures (2009)

Permafrost science education for fifth graders at the Watershed School in Fairbanks (2009-present)
Scientific advisor to 7th and 8th grade cold-climate curriculum development (2009-2012)
Field tour guide on the Dalton Highway (Ninth International Conference On Permafrost, 2008)
Instructor for the Student Teacher Education Program (Climate and Cryosphere, 2007)

News articles written about his work
Only in Alaska? Creeping frozen landslide threatens critical highway and pipeline
Frozen landslide threatens to devour Dalton Highway: Read more here
Taking on Frozen Debris Lobes--Permafrost Experts, DOT Engineers Team Up in First-of-its-Kind Study
Flowing tongues of rock, ice and dirt

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations

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