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GMC Webinar Series

Hylogger - Photo credit: Geological Survey of South Australia

Photo credit: Geological Survey of South Australia

Welcome to the Spring Geologic Repositories Rock Sample Digitization webinar series co-hosted by the Alaska Geologic Materials Center (GMC) and the Alaska Geological Society (AGS). Additional support is provided by the USGS National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP), Alaska Oil and Gas Association (AOGA), Alaska Miners Association (AMA), and American Association of State Geologists (AASG).

These noontime webinars are held weekly on Wednesdays, February 23 through June 1 2022.

The talks will be given by technology providers, academia, and government bureaus with expertise and actual experiences in creating non-destructive analytical databases for rock sample archives.

Each presentation looks to extend the geologic community's use of repository collections though digitization of rock samples, including examples of cooperation and support across public, academic, and resource industry partnerships. The presentations also look to draw support from the geological community for the acquisition of technological capability and the opportunity to build modern regional integrated analytical rock sample datasets for the nation.

Presenters include: Halliburton - Ingrain, Core Laboratories, Zeiss, Specim, Photon Etc, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate - DISKOS, Geological Survey of South Australia, Australia National Virtual Core Library, Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador, College of the North Atlantic, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, and more.

Full Schedule

Date Presenter Organization Title
02/23 Jacob Proctor Ingrain - A Halliburton Service Addressing reservoir challenges in the North Slope and non-destructive dual energy CT
(video recording - 156 MB)
03/09 Kurt Johnson Alaska GMC Promise and challenge of digital rocks
(presentation slides 9 MB)
(video recording - 77 MB)
03/16 Katrina Cox Core Laboratories RAPIDZoom™ core and thin sections: Digitalization of Umiat and Square Lake energy core
(video recording - 188 MB)
03/23 Matthew Andrew Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy, Inc. Bringing petrography into the digital age: automating acquisition, analysis & quantification of thin sections using the Axioscan 7, advanced algorithms and machine learning
(video recording - 275 MB)
03/30 Dale Blue

Caroline Mignot
Halliburton Diskos 2.0: The National Digital Resource for exploration and production in Norway
(video recording - 182 MB)
04/06 Cancelled
04/13 Georgina Gordon

Carsten Laukamp
Geological Survey of South Australia

CSIRO Mineral Resources
Virtual Core Libraries: Implementation and the impacts of making this resource readily accessible. Insights from the Geological Survey of South Australia and AuScop's National Virtual Core Library
(video recording - 193 MB)
04/20 Marie-Christine Ferland Photon etc. Modular multi-sensor core scanning platform for geological applications
(video recording - 93.4 MB)
04/27 Philip Lypaczewski College of the North Atlantic Hyperspectral imaging as a public geoscience tool - Early results of a drill core digitization program in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
(video recording - 174 MB)
05/04 Gary Thompson

Douglas Morrison
College of the North Atlantic

Centre for Excellence in Mining
The Mining Innovation Commercialization Accelerator (MICA) and the role of Canadian colleges in advancing geosciences
(video recording - 122 MB)
05/11 Rescheduled
05/18 Jacob Proctor Ingrain - A Halliburton Service Data acquisition campaign for Alaska reservoirs
(video recording - Coming soon)
05/25 Guy Oliver

David McKnight
Geolog Americas Inc.

Hitachi Vantara
A digital-cuttings drill-down, with examples from the Geolog Americas Nanushuk-Torok Regional Cuttings Consortium
(video recording - 176 MB)
06/01 Katrina Cox

Patrick Huff
Core Labratories Non-Invasive Technologies for Reservoir Optimization (NITRO) on the Umiat Core

Advanced Cuttings Collection and Reservoir Expression in Cuttings
(2 video recordings - 205 MB)
06/08 Rainer Bärs

Phil Harris
Spectral Imaging Ltd.

A geological tool for digital transformation: The SisuROCK Hyperspectral Scanner
(video recording - 152 MB)

*Hybrid Webinar/Live GMC talk


Kurt Johnson
GMC Curator
Phone: 907-754-3597
Email: kurt.johnson@alaska.gov

Hours & Location

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
Closed for State Holidays

3651 Penland Parkway
Suite 135
Anchorage, AK 99508
Find us on Google Maps

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