Jennifer E. Athey
Education and/or Training
M.S. 1999, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska: Geology, with emphasis in Economic Geology
B.S. 1993, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware: Geology, Geography minor
Projects and/or Research Interests
Jen is a geologist and the lead data manager for DGGS. She is involved in multiple data management projects from business process efficiency and planning to data compilation projects to construction of online data delivery applications. Jen is very passionate about geoscience education & outreach and is committed to making DGGS's work more accessible to the general public and schools. She is also a past Principal Investigator for four of DGGS's STATEMAP geologic mapping projects and has mapped throughout Alaska. Her skills include:
- Project administration, data management, GIS;
- Education and outreach, display of technical information; and
- Mineral industry tracking, bedrock geologic mapping, mineral exploration, and related analytical techniques
Selected Professional Activities
- 2012-date, Liaison to Geologic Mapping & Hazards Community of Use (National Geospatial Program: User Engagement), USGS
- 2012, Lead, Geologic Communications Section Discovery Process, DGGS
- 2008-date, Liaison to National Geologic Map Database (National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program), USGS
- 2008-date, Member and former co-chairperson, Field Operations Safety Committee, DGGS
- 2008-2009, Co-chairperson, Outcrop-to-Publications Process committee, DGGS
- 1998-date, Member, Society of Economic Geology
Selected Publications
- Hendricks, M.D., Macpherson, A.E., Athey, J.E., Wyatt, W.C., Montayne, Simone, Buchanan, Wes, Rivera, P.G., and Steinleitner, A.M., 2024, AK GeMS data dictionary: A description of the Alaska geologic mapping schema: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 170 v. 2, 13 p.
- Goodfellow, P.J., Woodward, A.D., and Athey, J.E., 2024, Naturally occurring radon in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 82 v. 2, 2 p.
- Macpherson, A.E., Hendricks, M.D., and Athey, J.E., 2024, AK GeMS Symbology: A description of the AK GeMS Style File: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 169 v. 2, 6 p.
- Knapp, S.P., Athey, J.E., and Nash, A.L., Jr., 2020, Understanding your radon test results: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 89, 5 p.
- Athey, J.E., 2017, 2017 Data Stewardship Survey results: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2017-3, 3 p.
- Athey, J.E., Freeman, L.K., Harbo, L.A., and Lasley, P.S., 2014, Alaska's mineral industry 2013: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Special Report 69, 65 p.
- Athey, J.E., Harbo, L.A., Lasley, P.S., and Freeman, L.K., 2013, Alaska's mineral industry, 2012: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Special Report 68, 61 p.
- Athey, J.E., 2012, A plan and plea for increasing communication about digital geologic field mapping, in Soller, D.R., ed. Digital Mapping Techniques '10-Workshop Proceedings, Sacramento, California, May 16-19, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1171, p. 143-144.
- Athey, J.E., and DGGS Staff, 2011, Shepherding geologic data from the outcrop to publication (and beyond?), in Soller, D.R., ed., Digital Mapping Techniques '09-Workshop Proceedings, Morgantown, West Virginia, May 10-13, 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1335, p. 255-260.
- Athey, J.E., Freeman, L.K., and Woods, K.A., 2009, The transition from traditional to digital mapping: Maintaining data quality while increasing geologic mapping efficiency in Alaska, in Soller, D.R., ed. Digital Mapping Techniques '08-Workshop Proceedings, Moscow, Idaho, May 18-21, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 09-1298, p. 23-31.
- Athey, J.E., 2007, Geologic maps: solving problems by understanding our world: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 55, 2 p.
- Athey, J.E., 2007, Using geologic maps: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 56, 2 p.
- Athey, J.E., and Craw, P.A., 2004, Geologic maps of the Livengood SW C-3 and SE C-4 quadrangles, Tolovana mining district, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2004-3, 24 p.
- Athey, J.E., Szumigala, D.J., Newberry, R.J., Werdon, M.B., and Hicks, S.A., 2004, Bedrock geologic map of the Livengood SW C-3 and SE C-4 quadrangles, Tolovana mining district, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2004-3B, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.
- Athey, J.E., 1999, Characterization of the DAT Zone, eastern Alaska Range, Alaska: A calcic iron (copper-gold) skarn prospect.: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 152 p., illust., maps.
Selected Presentations
- Macpherson, A.E., Athey, J.E., and Woodward, A.D., 2023, Radon in Alaska: A brief look at radon risks, observations, and what you can do to take action (StoryMap): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 9 p.
- Athey, J.E., and Nash, A.L., Jr., 2022, Alaska’s story of radon challenges in a big, arctic, far-flung U.S. state (poster): 2022 American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) International Radon and Vapor Intrusion Symposium, Bellevue, Washington, October 24-26, 2022: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1 sheet.
- Athey, J.E., Hendricks, M.D., Arneson, L.A., Wyatt, W.C., Macpherson, A.E., Barnwell, C.E., and Wildland, A.D., 2022, Contracting out geologic map digitization and attribution using the GeMS standard (presentation): Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop, Rolla, Missouri, May 22-25, 2022: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 25 p.
- Athey, J.E., and DGGS Staff, 2022, Intersection of geology, public safety, and public health (poster and video): Alaska Health Summit (A Virtual Event), January 18-20, 2022: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys.
- Athey, J.E., Hendricks, M.D., Ekberg, P.G., and Wyatt, W.C., 2020, Alaska-GeMS multi-map database schema changes from the federal GeMS standard (presentation): Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop, videoconferenced from Reston, Virginia, and Champaign, Illinois, June 8-10, 2020: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 29 p.
- Athey, J.E., Hendricks, M.D., Gallagher, P.E., and Seitz, S.S., 2018, Status of GeMS-compliant enterprise database model and Alaska GeMS maps (presentation): Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop, Lexington, Kentucky, May 20-23: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 22 p.
- Athey, J.E., 2017, Building digital infrastructure for Alaska's mineral industry: A conversation on public-private resource leveraging (presentation): Alaska Miners Association Annual Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, November 5-11, 2017: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 28 p.
- Athey, J.E., 2017, Hows and whys of data preservation at the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (1998-2017; presentation): National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, Data Rescue and Preservation Workshop, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 26-28, 2017: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 26 p.
- Nash, A.L., Jr., Athey, J.E., and Hendricks, M.D., 2017, Geographic distribution for a quarter of a century of radon analyses (presentation): Esri User Conference, San Diego, California, July 10–14, 2017: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 35 p.
- Athey, J.E., Hendricks, M.D., and Gallagher, P.E., 2017, Building an enterprise version of GeMS (formerly NCGMP09 map schema; presentation): Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 21-24: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 22 p.
- Athey, J.E., and Hendricks, M.D., 2016, Agency-wide Implications for Alaska DGGS building a Statewide Geologic 1:100,000 Compilation from an NCGMP09 Multi-map Database (presentation): Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, May 22-25: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 21 p.
- Athey, J.E., and Solie, D.N., 2015, High-value thematic maps and the importance of standardized geology (presentation and poster): USGS Digital Mapping Techniques workshop, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17-20, 2015.
- Athey, J.E., and DGGS Staff, 2014, Geologic data processing and delivery at the Alaska geological survey (presentation): USGS Digital Mapping Techniques workshop, Newark, Delaware, June 1-4, 2014.
- Athey, J.E., 2012, On the horizon from DGGS...Increased access to online mineral-related data and updating the Alaska Mineral Industry reporting system (presentation): Alaska Miners Association 2012 Annual Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, November 5-11, 2012.
- Athey, J.E., Weakland, J.R., Fisher, W.H., Woods, K.A., and Seitz, S.S., 2012, Evolution of web mapping applications at Alaska's Geological Survey as of 2012 (presentation): Digital Mapping Techniques Workshop, Champaign, Illinois, May 20-23, 2012: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 14 p.
- Athey, J.E., 2011, Final results from 2010 Digital Field Mapping technology survey (poster): Digital Mapping Techniques meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, May 22-25, 2011: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1 sheet.
- Newberry, R.J., Athey, J.E., and Foley, J.Y., 2010, Placer Au-Pt-Cu-Hg from the Slate Creek area, eastcentral Alaska Range: mixed, shaken, baked, and regurgitated (presentation): Alaska Miners Association 2010 Annual Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, November 1-7, 2010.
- Athey, J.E., Montayne, Simone, Seitz, S.S., and Freeman, L.K., 2009, Keeping geologic databases fresh and user friendly (presentation): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs v. 41, no. 7, p. 555.
- Athey, J.E., Newberry, R.J., Freeman, L.K., Werdon, M.B., Szumigala, D.J., and Lessard, R.R., 2007, Geologic mapping and mineral investigations in the northern Fairbanks mining district, Alaska (presentation): Alaska Miners Association 2007 Annual Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, November 5-11, 2007.